
The content and information on the Jazeera Airways Investor Relations Webpage is only intended to provide users with financial information and operational indicators about the company. No warrant or representation is made by Jazeera Airways for the contents of the webpage and in no way is the material provided through the webpage intended to solicit an investment in the company on the part of the users. Any investments made by the users of this webpage are made based on their own discretion and analysis and the final decision and responsibility for investments rests solely with the user of this webpage and its content.

While Jazeera Airways makes all reasonable efforts to make certain that all information on this webpage is true, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and the company does not undertake any responsibility for the correctness of the information contained on the Investor Relations Webpage and its contents. Specific sections of the content of the Investor Relations Webpage are provided by third parties. Despite doing its best efforts, Jazeera Airways does not guarantee in any way or form the accuracy or completeness of the data provided by these third parties and cannot be held responsible for the use of information provided in these sections. Jazeera Airways as well is not to be held legally responsible under any circumstances for any damages resulting from data falsification by third parties or for data download or any other use of the content provided on this webpage.

Certain sections or material provided on the Jazeera Airways Investor Relations Webpage might contain forward-looking statements. Such statements do not guarantee the future financial or operational performance of the company. Furthermore, these statements involve a high degree of uncertainty risks that could cause actual results to be materially at variance from those proposed in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, these statements should only be used as indicative plans and the responsibility of any decisions based on them lies solely on the user without any involvement from Jazeera Airways.

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